Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hey John Revised version:

For many years I've been fascinated and inspired by many great artists and inventors of our times.
In my quiet world of mystery I often seek answers to greatest questions -There is times I look for light in the darkest
and deepest tunnels of the unknown.

It was about 2 years ago while searching online for answers to what I thought must be already possible
I came across video showing antigravity effect created by inventor John Hutchison. Without any doubt in my mind
I knew this is what I've been looking for as it simply confirmed my basic knowledge that all things are possible.
From that moment I wanted to understand what is causing the antigravity effect. I contacted John and was
genuinely surprised that I got his reply as I assumed person responsible for such discovery must be very
well known all over world and I wasn't mistaken of course. I stayed intouch with John and continued
to learn about him and his fascinating world of antigravity.

In 2007 I traveled to Canada to stay with my Polish relatives for Christmas, I could not pass the possibility of visiting John Hutchison
since he lived not far away from my family's hometown. In great spirit of discovery I finaly met with John!!
Me and My uncle were allowed to see the place where all the great mystery took place, we went inside Johns condominium
which honestly looked more like a submaribe relic or prehistoric spaceship. Fascinated and curious we kept bombarding
John with series of questions trying to utilize this unique opportunity and grasp as much information as we could
After over an hour I truly felt like I have a new friend! We finaly asked John to show us the actual effect
not realy expecting he will do it for us but he did...

Slightly fearful and more curious than wise I stood on the "observation deck" of the lab looking at the "target area" - a table carrying variety of metal and non metal objects (in short description) John powered on his mysterious "time machine" and controlled the experiment from another room. Me and my uncle continued to observe and videotape the table. Not told what realy pay attention to we noticed
variety of effects and movements of objects inside the dedicated room - I observed strong movements of equipment array hung
above the table as well as aluminium foil wich twisted itself up and down I noticed strange vibrations affecting some
objects on the table. At the end of the demonstration I felt that this energy field somehow touched me as well.

The story from that day got truly complicated for me as I have been affected by the most strange and powerful force that John generated using primitive by todays standards radio equipment. The next several weeks after the visit have become my greatest fight for live and recovery from what I named timeshift experience. I now know that the true mystery is within ourselfs and how we see this world is only up to us, I learned to pay much greater respect to God and to praise his allmighty will and supreme power over my own wishes and desires this experience has a symbolic meaning to me, I'm convinced that we are the tools in hands of God.

I learned that John Hutchison is a very gifted inventor and discoverer with an artistic and child like ability to see what most people are not able to even pay attention to. He is a very good friend who has the spirit knowledge and the ability to create the impossible
I believe he requires MUCH greater attention of the world his discoveries are the platform for the most amazing technologies
that we have dreamed of.

When reading some of the stories about Nikola Tesla and how often witnessing people ignored his revolutionary experiments at that time or how many times he has been missunderstood and punished by cruel world of monetary domination I deeply wonder about how much longer will it take for humanity to recognize those who are in fact
build this world. Those people and the impact they create are truly dependant on us and our ability to
recognize it.

Tom S.

using cell phones can be fatal - protect your self!

Subject: Re: Fascinating guest suggestion for Coast To Coast AM
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 21:19:00 -0800

this is great tom you should just add what you saw one sentence would do then what you felt ok
----- Original Message -----
To: johnhutchison
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 8:49 PM
Subject: RE: Fascinating guest suggestion for Coast To Coast AM

Ok John here is my few words feel free to edit whatever needs adjustments

I could have write betetr but I'm swamped with second job now

if this helps I'm happy

For many years I've been fascinated and inspired by many great artists and inventors of our times.
In my quiet world of mystery I often seek answers to greatest questions - I often look for light in the darkest
and deepest tunnels of the unknown.

It was about 2 years ago while searching online for answers to what I thought must be already possible
I came across video showing antigravity effect created by Inventor John Hutchison. Without any doubt in my mind
I knew this is what I've been looking for as it simply confirmed my basic knowledge that all things are possible.
From that moment I wanted to understand what is causing the antigravity effect. I contacted John and was
genuinely surprised that I got his reply as I assumed person responsible for such discovery must be very
well known all over world, I wasn't mistaken of course. From that moment I stayed intouch with
John and continued to learn about him and his fascinating world of antigravity.

In 2007 I traveled to Canada to stay with my Polish relatives for Christmas I cold not pass the possibility of visiting John Hutchison
since he lived not far away from my family hometown. In great spirit of discovery I finaly met with John!
Me and My uncle were allowed to see his lab where all the great mystery took place.

The story from that day got truly complicated for me as I have been affected by the most strange and powerful force that John generated using primitive by todays standards radio equipment. The next several weeks after the visit have become my greatest fight for recovery from what I named timeshift experience. I now know that the true mystery is within ourselfs and how we see this world is only
up to us, I also learned to pay much higher respect to God and how to praise his allmighty will and supreme power.

I learned that John Hutchison is a very gifted inventor and discoverer with an artistic and child like ability to see what most people are not able to even pay attention to. He is a very good friend who has the spirit knowledge and the ability to create the impossible
I believe he requires MUCH greater attention of the world his discoveries are the platform for the most amazing technologies
that we have dreamed of.

When reading some of the stories about Nikola Tesla and how often witnessing people ignored his revolutionary experiments at that time or how many times he has been missunderstood and punished by cruel world of monetary domination I deeply wonder about how much longer will it take for humanity to recognize those who are in fact
build this world. Those people and the impact they create are truly dependant on us and our ability to
recognize it.

Tom S.

Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give. Learn more.

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more. There's an amazing famous scientists called John Hutchison. He has been
compared to the great Nikola Tesla. Some refer to him as the godfather
of Quantum physics. A google search on John Hutchison displays over a
quarter million results. Over one hundred of his videos are held at
Google Video showing various objects levitating, morphing metals, etc.
John has invented batteries that never run out of energy. His batteries
have been shorted for years, yet they still work as good as new. Tech TV
filmed one of John's batteries connected to a DC motor turning a small
fan. John has been dabbling into anti-aging, and his doctor is amazed
how John appears to be getting younger. John has been studied and
harassed by governments. His equipment has been confiscated. Amazingly
enough, this genius, in all he's been through, still remains as humble
and kind as the Dalai Lama.

Please consider having this fun and loving genius on your show.

Kind regards,
Paul M. Lowrance

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def
Posted on Monday, June 04, 2007 @ 23:56:45 PDT by vlad

ROB SIMONE writes: Hi Bill,

I was just at John's apt/laboratory with a camera crew for new TV series i'm co-producing and hosting. We shot for over 7 hours, in High Def, and captured some extraordinary footage.

You may ask about the HGH bottle that floated in the air for the better part of 20 min. It was constant and controlled.....stunning...:)

It seemed to have 'over-driven' some of the components, I'm not sure if that is a common problem...

Rob Simone

William Alek wrote: Hello all,

Tomorrow night, I'll be having dinner with the legend, John Hutchison, Terry Brady and Steve Elswick of Tesla Tech, and Gary Voss of TAP-TEN research. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask of the group, please send me an email?


William S. Alek, INTALEK, INC.
7760 E. State Rte 69 Ste C5-381
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
PHONE: 928.255.0198

Tim Ventura writes: Hi Rob --


Your description (below) sounds absolutely remarkable.

I would very sincerely ask you to document EVERY aspect of the experience to the best of your ability - in writing would be the best, although if you'd like to schedule some time for an audio interview I could record (you have a show as well, but there might be some advantage to a targeted recording for posterity). For instance, Harold Berndt noticed a buzzing-noise like an over-driven tube-resonance right before the event he witnessed last year - a small detail that may offer us a scientific explanation, and I suspect there may be several things like this that you might not remember noticing even a month or two from now. I'm also incredibly relieved that you got this footage on tape.

Historically speaking, the problem with Hutchison has been the following:

1. Skeptics questioning the intelligence & credibility of people witnessing the effect.
2. The claim that Hutchison is "psychic" and the effect is thus irreproducible.
3. The claim that Hutchison is performing a hoax (by tipping the room upside down, hidden wires, etc)

The "psychic" or "PK" claim has been the most insidious & pervasive: it was first listed as a possibility by John Alexander, but subsequently picked up by other scientists as evidence to explain away a series of anomalies that appeared to threaten the existing paradigm of many people's scientific knowledge. In reality Hutchison's work threatens nothing, and offers a lot of potential, but psychologically this explanation has become a tool for the scientific community to assuage their guilt at having no ready explanation for the effect.

What's REALLY needed (in your documentary, hopefully), are observers who will come forward and sincerely testify about what they've seen in an accurate manner. John Alexander has done this effectively & fairly in past programs, despite never having reportedly seen the effect himself. However, most documentaries are entirely 3rd person, and it would help very much to build public interest if you could speak in a personal manner about your experience studying the paranormal and what it leads you to believe about what you've seen.

I'd like to say three things for the record on this:

First, there are a number of possible avenues for understanding how the Hutchison Effect works, and I believe all of them will lead us to an array of remarkable new technologies. While many scientists and inventors have explored a few of these in the past, Hutchison has never had the full financial & scientific apparatus to conduct a real research effort. My own belief is that with adequate infrastructure in place, it should be possible to fully harness this effect and integrate it into today's science in a beneficial manner.

Second, while John has been the victim of small minds and some irrational fear by agencies like the Canadian EPA, I do NOT believe that he has been the victim of a conspiracy to suppress his work. However, I am completely convinced that nagging doubts and a lack of understanding by the establishment has allowed this remarkable effect to "fall through the cracks" and prevent it from receiving the rigorous study that it otherwise would.

Third, Hutchison's work continues to receive interest at the highest levels of government and academia, but several groups that I'm acquaintanced with have expressed fear that they may ruin their own reputations by investing in such an unknown phenomenon. This fear is greatly compounded by several ignorantly skeptical comments that continue to circulate.

It is because of these factors that I believe what you've already accomplished has TREMENDOUS value in terms of helping to keep the Hutchison Effect in the public spotlight and encourage public interest in what may one day lead to full-fledged scientific investigation. To date, I've found that everyone with any real knowledge of this effect and it's history does not dispute that it occurs, and while there are many different speculations on the cause, I hope that your work is yet another block in the foundation of credibility that will help John's work to change our world in a positive way.


Timothy M. Ventura
American Antigravity, Inc
Phone: 425-605-0928
Mobile: 425-260-4175




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Re: Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def (Score: 1)
by malc on Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @ 00:38:01 PDT
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Hang on there, skeptical scientists have just dangled a rope to hang themselves with. On an entirely different subject matter I might add. But nonethles it's there.

They claim that the Hutchison effect is due to Mr Hutchison being a psychic. This therefore means that the scientists who state this are clearly admitting that psychic phenomena can exert a force capable of moving objects.

They have just admitted that paranormal effects are real. HUNG!

Re: Hutchison Effect caught on tape in High Def (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @ 22:42:23 PDT
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ROB SIMONE wrote: Hi Tim,

When I get some extra time I would be happy to...
I'm off in 3 days to shoot 3 more interviews,

When I was at John's I had my own detection equipment which provided among other things, some interesting data on the nature of the interaction of the RF fields which seems to be the catalyst for the effect.

Richard C. Hogland wrote: Rob,

I overwhelmingly second Tim's assessment and request .... :)

I'm particularly intrigued by your term "controlled." If this is truly on tape, from beginning to end, it could be a major breakthrough.

What's the air-date -- and when? :)

ROB SIMONE wrote: Hello Richard,

Yes, I confirmed with my camera guy, he was solid on it without a cut.

The Television series will take a while, as these things go, but i should be able to do a special edit on the most relevant parts and present it somewhere somehow, along with the other data from the testing equipment.



Did you happen to notice such "little" things (and record them) ... lik the "take off?" And, direction of flight (in terms of geographical coordinates).

Those are VERY important .... :)

Now You See It, Now you Don’t

© Brian Allan 2003

apports, philadelphia experiment, ufo's, alien abduction, brian allan, uss eldridge, quantum science, scole experiment, poltergeists, hutchison effect, poltergeist, Al Beilek, Carl Allen, Uri Geller, los alamos, john hutchison, Ft Meade, Isaac Newton, saints, holy men, holy women, mediums, god


It is almost impossible to examine this most bizarre phenomenon in isolation because it contains many elements common to a wide range of paranormal events. However, as we will soon see, quite apart from sharing many of the same parameters, when one examines the implications there might yet be a plausible answer in terms of particle physics. Curiously, the corroboration for these theories appears to come from sources not normally associated with science or scientific methodologies. Hopefully, some of the points raised in the course of this article may cause the reader to re-evaluate traditional ideas on certain aspects of mediumship and the paranormal in general. While it is not my intention to cause offence to anyone with religious sensibilities, given the nature of the subject I am forced to confront and question certain aspects of conventional religious doctrine where it runs contrary to the thrust of this article.

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

The ‘apports’ phenomenon

In purely spiritualist terms, the term ‘apport’ is given to any object that appears spontaneously in the course of a séance. Normally, each apport should have specific meaning to one or more sitters at the séance and they are intended to demonstrate the reality of contact with the afterlife in a tangible manner. The objects are normally small, e.g. brooches, pebbles or buttons etc, but irrespective of what the objects may be, they manifest instantaneously in the séance room and appear to travel through solid matter to get there. In some instances they fall with a thud upon the floor or table, in others they appear to drift down as if virtually weightless, than gain weight quite quickly. In many cases they are warm, (up to 40 degrees Centigrade) to the touch, certainly much warmer than the normal ambient temperature of the séance room. If this phenomenon occurred in isolation it would be reasonable to assume it was solely an adjunct of spiritualist phenomena, but it does not, it has parallels right across the entire paranormal/UFO spectrum.

The Philadelphia Experiment

There are specific links between instances of poltergeist manifestations, metal bending, the hotly debated ‘Hutchison Effect’ and especially, alleged ‘teleportation’. Although each of these phenomena can be examined individually, eventually, investigation reveals to a greater or lesser degree inescapable similarities between them all. In the case of

poltergeist activity the apports tend to be thrown around with considerable violence while other objects move around quite gently. Loud noises and bangs also occur and in some cases voices are heard. Instances of metal bending usually involve the participation, voluntary or otherwise, of a human agency. Although there are claims of controlled experiments proving the reality of this phenomenon, there is still widespread scepticism about both it and those claiming the ability. Although there are high profile luminaries like Uri Geller who apparently demonstrate this ability at will, it should be remembered that he is

primarily a professional showman, conjuror and mentalist who makes his living performing such feats and this should always be born in mind.

While still on the subject of alleged teleportation, ‘The Philadelphia Experiment’ and what actually happened on August the 12th 1943 to the ‘USS Eldridge’ during wartime experiments to create radar invisibility have become mired in lies, myth, misinformation and just possibly somewhere in this confusion, a glimmer of truth. Did the ship suddenly become invisible at the Philadelphia naval yards and simultaneously appear at the navy yards at Norfolk, Virginia several thousand miles away? Other claims relating to this experiment made by survivors, Al Bielek and Carl Allen, (sometimes called Carlos Allende), suggest that some of the crewmen aboard the Eldridge had simply vanished upon its return, while others suffered from acute psychiatric problems in the aftermath and incredibly, some died after becoming fused into the steelwork of the ship. Despite a series of books and still ongoing speculation about the subject, there have been consistent denials issued by the US Government regarding both the ship and the alleged experiment. In spite of, and indeed perhaps because of the dogged, official refutations, as with similar incidents, Roswell and Rendlesham are two of the best known; the story simply will not go away. However, recent claims emerging from Canada indicate that perhaps the mythology surrounding The Philadelphia Experiment and its aftermath contains more than a grain of truth.

The Hutchison Effect

‘The Hutchison Effect’ is another area of research consistently met with absolute and steadfast denial by the US authorities, even when such information is requested under the US FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). This famous and contentious enigma involves an accidental discovery made by Canadian researcher John Hutchison indicating that anomalous magnetic fields can and do cause items to spontaneously levitate. Another bizarre manifestation of this effect containing more than a hint of The Philadelphia Experiment indicates that some apparently totally incompatible items like straw and steel became fused seamlessly into one another as though the molecular bonds cementing each item together suddenly became permeable and allowed them to merge. This curious effect is

supposedly attained using inter-modulated electromagnetic fields at domestic currents and voltages of, 110V A/C at 13amps. If this account is indeed accurate, then what type of result was actually obtained on the Eldridge using considerably higher voltages and currents? Claims involving teleportation, i.e. an object disappearing in one location and re appearing in another, are the closest to apports in absolute terms and both sets of phenomena should conform to the same physical laws. Although various research establishments throughout the world are allegedly currently undertaking experimentation in techniques involving

teleportation, as yet there are no reported major breakthroughs except for some success in transmitting subatomic particles.

This however does not mean that other, more tangible results have not been achieved and immediately classified as would befit the clandestine nature of the military/industrial complex. Hutchison contacted both the US Army and the Canadian Government to have them evaluate his discovery and they responded by sending a team from the LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) based in Albuquerque in New Mexico. The team arrived, made videotapes, took measurements and readings then left, and when Hutchison later attempted to obtain copy of the report under the US Freedom of Information Act, he was told by the US Army that the information was classified and the Canadian Government informed him it was ‘Not in the interests of national security’. This leads one to speculate that perhaps official attempts to replicate and reproduce at will what occurred to the USS Eldridge were not a complete success and perhaps Hutchison had inadvertently stumbled on one of the keys to unlocking the mystery of deliberate and controlled teleportation. In fact it later emerged during a lengthy correspondence, once again under the US FOIA,

relating to Hutchison’s claims between me and the US Army Intelligence Dept at Ft. Meade in Maryland USA, that they had unaccountably ‘lost’ the report, as indeed had the LANL. It also transpired that unknown to Hutchison an electrical engineer named George Hathaway who had assisted him over a considerable period was indirectly working for and paid by, US Army intelligence. This news took Hutchison completely by surprise because he had

trusted Hathaway implicitly. My enquiries also revealed that another ‘friend’ of Hutchison’s, John Anderson, who, at the time was supposedly assisting him through the jungle of red tape encountered in dealing with governmental departments was eventually exposed as a serving US army intelligence officer.

Into the Quantum World

As with apports, all the examples already mentioned involve, whether involuntarily or otherwise, the manipulation of electrical fields and sub atomic particles. The heating effect noticed in apports is an obvious sign that the atoms comprising the individual object have been excited to a high level and therefore heated prior to and during the process of transportation. It is therefore apparently necessary that each apport be broken down into its component particles in order to pass through solid walls on its way to the séance room. We should however bear in mind that metal heats in the presence of strong EM fields, a fact that is regularly exploited in industry. There is another possibility here though, is it also conceivable that rather than breaking the apport down, the frequency of the apport is altered allowing it to pass right through objects existing at different frequency? Since we and everything around us is composed of particles existing at a particular frequency, then for us they are solid and real. However, once the frequency of any given item be it animate or inanimate is altered to another state, then that object effectively becomes invisible and probably permeable. The best analogy is the use of ‘carrier waves’ in communications and radio propagation, where, once a base frequency is established, then it become possible to lock other harmonic signals e.g. ‘side bands’ to the base frequency (hence the term carrier). Is it then feasible that just as radio and television waves can penetrate the walls of a house, then material items can be broken down in terms of frequency and transmitted from one location to another, irrespective of whether one location exists in our physical plain or not. Another factor to take into account is that by rendering any object into its component particles it has to be reassembled in the same manner and more importantly in the correct order, so in effect the device used to dismantle the object has to retain the structure of that object in its ‘memory’ in order to correctly reassemble it elsewhere.

The Spiritual Dimension

Whatever the physical mechanism behind it, if the apports phenomenon is being driven by non-corporeal entities then what possible type of technology is used here, one thing is certain, Isaac Newton’s traditional laws of physics cannot apply here. Mediums and psychics appear to accept this phenomenon as a matter of course without considering its

implications, for this factor more than anything else shows clear similarities with the manner in which UFO’s seem to appear instantaneously and disappear in an identical manner. It also shares the same attributes observed during alleged abduction scenarios when the abductor is able to enter rooms directly through the walls and the abductee is floated out through closed windows and walls into a waiting spacecraft. Once again, solid objects present no obvious barrier to either the abductors or their victims. In addition, this is of course an attribute associated with ghosts and apparitions.

A five-year- long series of experiments conducted by the Scole Group near Diss in Norfolk, England may help explain what is happening here. During this time, the group with the aid of their ‘spirit team’ were able to conduct several controlled and witnessed exercises in creating pictures and text on Polaroid and

conventional film. A series of interesting and intriguing videotapes were made, voice communication occurred and several apports were received. According to the records of the Scole Group, the ‘spirit team’ consists of discarnate intelligences and scientists who have died in this reality and moved on to another energy state. The desire to continue in their chosen discipline does not necessarily vanish because the host body dies, therefore they were apparently able to assist in the design of a device allowing direct voice communication with them, this proved to be a species of crystal set. It should be stressed here that once consciousness is set free from the body it still possesses free will, and the spirit team assisting the Scole Group did so entirely by choice. Another rather more worrying point to emerge from the project was not only the realisation that we are surrounded by a series of additional dimensions, but that each contains entities, many of whom can move freely between them and some of them are openly hostile towards us. This discovery appears to corroborate a recent conclusion from quantum physics stating that in order for

‘string theory’ to function there has to be a series of additional dimensions. It also serves to give credence to another, more fundamental aspect of particle physics saying that sub-atomic particles can exist in more than one state at any given time, in other words they may exist simultaneously in more than one location and not necessarily in this reality. Furthermore, it also strongly suggests that the entities from these alternate realities may be the occupants of the UFO’s we occasionally encounter here on earth.

However, does this indicate that those on the ‘other side’ who wish to give a personal token to the living in the form of an apport, are able to manipulate matter at will? Is it conceivable that once freed from our bodies and returned to

pure energy states, we all have the ability to manipulate subjective reality by

using an utterly new type of non-physical technology? If this is the case, then a profound understanding of the theory and practical applications of particle physics is necessary, or perhaps the same physical and non-physical laws simply do not apply. However, there is yet other aspects of this enigma and these are the claims made over the centuries for the miracles allegedly performed by a series of holy men and women; the Christian saints. Some of the claims made on behalf of these remarkable people are simply incredible, particularly those of spontaneous levitation and bi-location. These claims highlight the fact that if genuine, then the ability to bypass the laws of physics is far from new, although it still gives no clues regarding how it is achieved other than an vague, obsessive desire to please and appease ‘God’ and depending on the nature of ‘God’, perhaps part of the answer lies here.

Perhaps what we see here is clear evidence that God is not sentient in any meaningful sense and perhaps what mankind has worshipped for millennia is in fact an all pervasive energy field that can be contacted at an unconscious level and converted into usable energy; in effect the real power of prayer. It is often said that illnesses and disasters have been alternately cured, avoided or averted by the use of prayer, but always at the whim of God. Is it possible that what is achieved has nothing to do with a third party and purely by an act of will? Following on from this, is it likely that those holy people who were bodily lifted from the ground or appeared simultaneously in two or more places had unwittingly tapped into a source of spiritual energy and were using it in a reflexive and uncontrolled manner?

From what we have seen, there is an obvious need to examine the current state of science and technology but there is an equally pressing need to study spiritual development, belief and the enhancement of consciousness, for until we can confront our own fears and superstition it is doubtful that we will ever fully understand the nature of the power around us.

© Brian Allan


‘The Scole Experiment’ by Grant and Jane Solomon pub Piatkus

‘The Poltergeist Machine’ by Albert Budden, pub Nexus magazine

Personal correspondence between the author and various US governmental departments.


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Lambertson, chemist, inventor of solid-state energy conversion system / Prof. Eugene Mallove, D MIT, Infinite Energy, physicist, promoter of low energy nuclear reactions (cold fusion) research / Prof. Edward Mann, D, sociologist, new energy technology developments networker / Jeane Manning, writer, new energy technology / Raymond J. Marchand, B, space scientist, promotion of new technologies / Dr. Alvin Marks, physicist, inventor, Polaroid, advanced photovoltaics / John D. Mattingly, D, philanthropist, inventor of the WaterPik, promoter of new science and medicine / Dr. Robert Muller, University for Peace, diplomat, writer, promoter of new science and technology / Gaston Naessens, biologist, inventor of the world’s most powerful microscope, discoverer of somatid, smallest known lifeform / Dr. Hans Nieper, D, medical researcher and promoter of new energy technology development / Dr. Brian O’Leary, NASA, astronaut, writer, promoter of new energy technology / Jorg Ostrowski, architect, sustainable buildings and communities based on new energy technology / Dr. John Nash Ott, D, scientist, research in illumination and biological effects of low-level electromagnetics / Prof. Panos T. Pappas, Technikon Piraeus, physicist, new science and technology networker / Dr. Thomas E. Phipps, Jr., military scientist, theorist in the fundamentals of the new physics / Guy Playfair, writer, implications of new energy technology / Dale Pond, researcher, writer, replication of Keely sympathetic vibration energy devices / Mark Porringa, AECL, engineer, decontamination of nuclear wastes / Prof. Ilya Prigogine, D Nobelist, fundamentals of new physics / Prof. Panayis Psomopoulos, urban planner, promotion of sustainable communities and regions / Dr. Andrija Puharich, FD, physicist, physician, writer, developer of mini-hearing aid and amplification systems / Dr. Hal E. Puthoff, Institute for Advanced Studies, physicist, zero-point energy research / Michael Rademacher, Can-Rapid, engineer, design and testing of water-as-fuel systems / Prof. Elizabeth Rauscher, University of California, Berkeley, nuclear physicist, nuclear decay rate anomalies / Dr. Glen Rein, B, Estée Lauder, microbiologist, quantum biological research / Joshua Reynolds III, D, philanthropist, promoter of new science research and development / Walter L. Rosenthal, D Lockheed Aviation; design and testing of new energy conversion systems / Dr. Leo J. Shafer, design and testing of advanced therapeutic modalities / Rolf Schaffranke, D, NASA, engineer, advanced space propulsion research / Shinichi Seike, D physicist, new energy technology research / Kenneth Shoulders, physicist, inventor of new energy conversion system / Dr. Maria Sésic, D, Nikola Tesla Museum, physicist / Dr. Edmund Storms, Los Alamos National Laboratory, advanced electrolysis research (“cold fusion”) / Dr. John A. Tanner, D, National Research Council Canada, physicist, biological effects of low-level electromagnetic fields / Dr. Paramahamsa Tewari, India Nuclear Corporation, physicist, inventor of new energy conversion system / Roy Thornson, inventor of ultra-efficient inertial propulsion system / Prof. William A. Tiller, Stanford University, material scientist, new technology theorist / Dr. Jacques Vallée, physicist, developer of the internet system (first applied for Three-Mile-Island disaster mitigation) / Thomas Valone, investigation and promotion of new energy technologies / Prof. T. Nejat Veziroglu, Institute of Hydrogen Energy, solar-hydrogen economy / Marcel Vogel, FD, IBM, scientist, developer of computer diskette technology, fluorescent colours / Prof. Walter Von Lucadou, scientist, new science and medicine / George Wiseman, Eagle Research, engineer, design and development of energy savings systems / Prof. William Wolkowski, Université de Paris V, promoter of new science and technology / Dr. Jim Yehl, American Environmental Systems, designer of advanced microtechnology

Saturday, March 8, 2008

hi its great to here from you indeed,, i thuoght maybe you went off in another diamention with all our levitation fun ;; when you left another person showed up, tom sky filmed only a hour got effected badly not from rf but i think a wierd wave it affected 10 city blocks in old westminster; people where telling me. doctors reported it to me and others.. the waves where x tra strong and almost pulled the chains out of the walls ceilings so iam happy your ok you spent about 4 times filming its great to here you did not get odd from the gravity machine iam ok myself no problems i think it forms a bubble active zone then not active then active again like teslas mystery sparks would do the same now to the POWER CELLS PLEASE TRY PURE DIRECT CURRENT ONTO WHISKERS.. YOU WANT TO PUT INSIDE TRY FIRST 12 VOLTS for i minute THEN FOR ONE SECOND TRY 10 000 VOLTS D.C NO HEAVY CURRENTS !!!! THESE CELLS SCAVENGE ENERGY FROM ALL THINGS EVEN THOUGHT FORMS AS IAM TOLD FROM ROLAND IN MUNCHEN PLUS OTHERS;;; YOU MAY WANT TO TEST WHAT THEY PICK UP LIKE MODULATIONS FROM THEM ,, AS LIKEmy OLD PARTNER DID WITH ME BUT HE USED THEM FOR PICKING UP OIL AND FORMED A COMANY PINNACLE OIL INTERNATIONAL NOW THIS they use these crystals with a computer program the technology is really pharos technologies stolen by george lisacase then when he found the power cells did the same thing he formed this company. bad energy this guy ;; OK POWER CELLS IF I MADE A HUNDRED OF THEM ABOUT 25 WOULD TURN OUT GREAT. THE IDEAS WOULD BE TO FIND THE BEST COMBINATION of material THEN WORK IT DOWN TO VERY SMALL UNITS THEN TRY COMBINATIONS OFthese SERIES AND PARRELEL TO BUILD UP A POWER SOURCE THEN THINK OF IDEAS IN INJECTION MOLD FOR COMMERCIAL UNITS FOR PUBLIC .. JUST IDEAS IAM HAPPY YOU HAVE CARRIED THIS INTO A BETTER REALM THEN ALL THE OTHERS WHO WHERE VERY OR TO QUICK OR FAST AND DROPPED THE PROJECT for doing other things i wander if thomas messer kept his collection ????as he has moved from germany to canada .. AS YOU DO NOT ;;;; LETS SEE WHAT MAY BRINGS HOW IS MY OLD ERUOPE DOING VEINNA SALBERG MUNCHEN I LIVED A LIFE OVER THERE WOW ;;; I JUST WROTE PRINCE ALFRED VON LEICHTSTENSTIEN WHO YOU MAY WANT TO CONNECT WITH ???? I MET HIM IN 1997 roland emailed me from munchen ; as did gaine ;; hope dr margarita is ok frau doctor yin called her HEY MISSING YOU AND DONT FLOAT AWAY IN YOUR RESEARCH ill try not to level the building JUST JOKEING CHEERS JOHN ps i had 3 human squirrels visit me fire department this time they do this every few years next time the police i guess to predictable now ; i like the fuzzy ones better
----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Thorsten Ludwig
To: 'johnhutchison'
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 1:40 PM
Subject: AW: fantastic

Hy John, according to your email frequency it seams you are doing fine.

Glad to see that.

It was a great time with you in good old New Westminster.

I have reached home fine with the samples you made for us and am now experimenting with them.

The big one in a platic container about the size of an old film can is the best performer. Around .55 Volt and up to .15 mA. Another big one in a small silver plated pipe with a brass rod in the middle is having .15 Volt and give .01 mA. With a load of 50 kOhm the power slowly drops. The ones in the gun shells and in the cigarette filter I have not tested to much, but I have now set up nice measuring units that take long and accurate readings. I am now getting ready to activate the ones that give now volt at the moment (about half of the samples)

Some questions:

How do I do the activation on the ones with nearly no volt. In case of the cigarette filters there is no second wire so I have to contact them as well. Should I press a wisker or probe pin onto the cristlin substance.

Hope to chat with you about the Hutchison Batteries some more soon.

Interesting! When the sun hit the batteries, the one in see through plastic, the power went way up, triple the value!

Have fun, are you in your flat now. How is live, how is the weather, who are the squirrels.

The Austrian people are interested in the project and a battery cooking time with you (2 weeks in the mountains in Tirol in around May, is still possible but not final). I have to present some more Data, but it is looking good.

Love to hear from you.


Dr Thorsten Ludwig

New Energy Technologies

Bouchéstr 12, HAus xxxx

12435 Berlin

Tel +49 171 6xxxxxx

Fax +49 (0)721 151 388xxxxxxxxx


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: johnhutchison []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. September 2003 05:22
An: Dr Thorsten Ludwig
Betreff: Re: fantastic


----- Original Message -----

From: Dr Thorsten Ludwig

To: 'johnhutchison'

Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 3:21 PM

Subject: AW: fantastic

Dear John,

I burned a DVD, it is a High definition file. You need a HD software player for your PC to look at it. It is of higher Quality that DVD. My Laptop can not convert it down. It is not powerful enough. Can be done later on a more powerful machine. But you can have the higher quality copy right now.

I also want to give you 1000 Page 43 MB file on antigravity, that is PDF format.

Hope to see you soon.

How about doing another levi session tomorrow afternoon?

And Crystal Cell Video Message on?

Dr Thorsten Ludwig

New Energy Technologies

Bouchéstr 12, HAusxxxxxxxx

12435 Berlin

Tel +49 171 6280xxxxx

Fax +49 (0)721 151 388608


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: johnhutchison []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 7. September 2003 23:04
An: Thorsten Ludwig
Cc: Jeane Manning
Betreff: fantastic

hi hi ludwick that was a fun day testing the levitation unit looks like some things floated so we will do it again in a few days again please cute me a dvd so i can add to my collection george hatways old camera pickup up some interesting things onto video glad jeane you could see this wild machine the crystal power cells will be ready soon cheers and thanks jeane for dinner i like the nick cook articles cheers john hutchison

Thursday, February 28, 2008

new west effects

Hey hope all is well, just thinkin there may be a coincidence with the trees dying off a few years ago behind your building and last year they are dying off in front of your and my building which is particularly prominent with a birds eye view of the usually indestructible junipers dead and part dead. some of the plants in my home have behaved strangely too which i never mentioned to you before. the jasmines on occasion suddenly had completely dead and dried up leaves as did the avocados, which prior to the last few years has never happened to me before. also my big rosemary bush on the balcony corner croaked last spring. also there are cracks in the walls of each room which look like a strange pressure or wave effect results. also for a while i was plagued with fishtanks mysteriously leaking or cracking accross the bottom corners. also there were so many leaks (6+ in my suite alone) in my buildings metal pipes that they drilled and pulled them all out. i happen to have one of the drilled out cores and the rebar in it looks aged on one side and somewhat eliptical - there are many left in the basement of my bldg managers storage. if there is some time when you think i may be better off not being home just call me, dont have to mention that, and i will leave. you can visit if you'd like to, just calxxxxxxxxxxxx and leave a message with your callback number as i lost my phone book. health, wealth, happiness,


> From:
> Subject: Re: Parachute.pps
> Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 18:25:55 -0800
> wow i was told it was body parasites by danny i rarely use it well over
> a hundred tv shows no probems but this wave i feel could be gravity waves
> ???/ so slowly getting to how many folks where or felt something its being
> moved to hollywood where it will be ok in a proper place
>, P.W.H., J.K.H
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To: "johnhutchison"
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 6:06 PM
> Subject: RE: Parachute.pps
> Wish i had more energy, hope alls well. bought an online travel agency,
> traveling? know someone who is? i have what travellers are looking for. just
> looked at my email. need a better computer notebook. want the website?
> ps dont point that thing at me.
> pps david called me to say he thought that people were having heart troubles
> because of your experiments. my exroomie had to getr her heart palpitations
> look
> >
> > wow thank you kindly i have not heard you in awhile ;;;wishing you truly
> > the best of things hum i was just looking accross the street towards you
> > truly keep in contact a massive hugs and positive thuoghts john
> >
> > media kit
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >, P.W.H.,
> > J.K.H
> > T.S
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

> > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 23:57:11 -0800
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone…
> >
> > I must forward this beautiful version of this true story – the music is
> > one of my favourites…the story very familiar, in fact I have it tucked in
> > a file somewhere…but this presentation brought a tear to my eye…and I just
> > realized that although I’ve packed “chutes” for others…SO Many of YOU have
> > packed a chute (or two) for me…I want you to know how grateful I am to
> > have you as my friend!
> >
> > Blessings,
> >
> > Lee
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
